The complex web of tests needed for component certification can be hard to manage because it requires a broad knowledge base for understanding the tests and an even broader knowledge and skill base for the proper performance of these tests. To that end, Lectromec has written dozens of articles that discuss electrical wiring interconnection systems (EWIS) component testing (you can find many of them here).
To help reduce the complexity and number of specs and standards that need to be referenced to understand the fundamental idea of EWIS component testing, Lectromec is now pushing a lot more of this information to the web through our newly created test listing. In addition to more information about the EWIS component tests that are typically needed for qualification, verification, and performance assessment, we have also included the pricing for these tests.
Please keep in mind that the price is for the testing of a specimen; we do provide quantity discounts even if the number of specimens tested is as low as two (we only have to setup the test stand once).
Breakdown of Test Listing

The test listing provides a quick summary of the test information. Included on the Test Listing page is a Filter function, which allows you to search for tests by the test specification (e.g. AS4373), the type of test (e.g. mechanical), test property (e.g. conductor resistance), and any other information about the test.
For those looking for all of the particular test methods under a given specification, the Filter function will make finding the associated tests very easy.
In addition, if you are not certain how to test a particular property, such as the wire’s current rating, the Filter function will help you locate one or more test methods that best meet your particular needs.
Breakdown of Individual Tests

For each test, we have a couple of sections. The information block (to the left side of the page) provides a base price for the test, the specifications that call out for this test, what type of test it is (helpful to those seeking ways to quantify a component’s performance), and what part of the component is being tested (e.g. insulation, conductor, shield, etc.).
The main area provides a description of the test background (e.g. why would this test be considered), what properties are evaluated with the test, and the pass/fail criteria. There is also a brief overview describing what the test is and how it is performed.
Lastly, the “Our Process” section provides a high-level overview of the test procedures. Because these test descriptions typically cover the procedures of several test methods, the test process is generalized to cover the important parts of these tests.
More Tests to Come
If you take a couple of minutes to go through the test listing, you will notice that we are adding a significant amount of information on each test. We are progressively adding tests to this listing and will continue to do so as we expand the capabilities of our ISO 17025 certified lab.
If there are any tests you need, but cannot find on the list, please contact us directly.